How to plan and schedule posts, how to choose the best time for publication? Hurry up to learn all the details.

And then I sat down at the table, barely prepared three posts and called it a day. I decided to finish all the rest later. And so I started working at night and sleeping three hours a day. Want to save time and emotional well-being? Schedule!
So, now you know that content plans should be an integral part of your promo strategy. Without it, you aren't able to see the clear picture of your whole activity.
Without further ado, let’s have a close look at major reasons you should be scheduling Instagram posts.
5 reasons you should be scheduling Instagram posts
1. Account growthPlanning your publications helps to boost the number of followers quickly. The growth formula is as plain as the nose on your face: the more active you are on IG, the more efficiently your acc will work for you.
Your fans and supporters on IG expect high-quality content, and they expect to see it often.🤷 To keep the audience engaged, it is not enough to post once a week. You need at least a couple of posts per day/week!
In addition to good growth, content planning for Instagram has other benefits. Read on!
2. Time saving
By means of planning your publications up-front, you can save a lot of time. Many people get tired of opening the app, uploading a photo, writing a description, and cross-posting to other social networks every time cause it’s too time-consuming. Planning also helps you to streamline this process, preparing several publications at once.
Only imagine, there would be no need rushing in the middle of your lunch just to publish something!
By the way, I have gathered 10 Hacks to Save Time on Instagram for you!
3. Content management
Organizing content for social networks can be confusing, especially if you work with multiple accounts at once. However, planning will help you to get an instant view of how your posts and gallery look like and to correct it if needed. Scheduling is a management tool.
4. Publishing from PC
One of the main restriction on IG is the inability to publish content through the desktop. Of course, this creates a lot of problems for active users, who often have to jump from PC to mobile gadgets to publish. However, there are planning tools which allow you to debug this process and work with IG using a laptop.
Get additional info on how to use your IG from PC, read How to Send Messages on Instagram on Computer?
5. Ability to see the broad picture
Your aim is to bring your Instagram acc to a fundamentally new level, right? Then you should definitely start planning, as it will help you make the page more attractive from an aesthetic point of view. As you can plan the Feed in advance, there will be no problem noticing some faults and strong point.
How to plan Instagram publications?
- Start with the creation of Inflact acc.
- Go to your Dashboard and switch to Posting section (+ sign)
- Click huge Plus Sign or the button Add Photo.
- Prepare a post. Upload your pic, carousel or vid, write a caption, choose the hashtags, fix the time. How to choose it - We’ve Got The Best Time To Post On Instagram! Real Investigation.
- Save publication.
To learn more about the Inflact posting possibilities, read Refreshed Scheduled Posting: How to Post on Instagram Online in a New Way?
Extra benefits
Here is just a short list of Inflact features:
- Posting photos and videos;
- Carousel and Stories publications;
- Bulk load;
- Hashtag Generator;
- Work with Direct;
- Proxy support;
- Analytics of your accs;
- Instant feed view, galleries, and profiles;
- Helpful Support Team;
- Auto likes, follows and Stories views;
- Connect multiple accounts.
or just start scheduling your content right now! Just click it!