But you don’t know where to start. You want to strengthen your online service and have confidence that you are working with clients in an optimal way. So you need a powerful advanced and professional Instagram Direct strategy.
You need to master the art of client management to boost sales without bills for advertising. With a Direct strategy, you’ll finally make your customers return, increase the loyalty of the audience and make anybody who contacts you to be your client forever.
The transformation of Direct into a full-fledged CRM (Client Relations Management) offers users these great benefits:
- Increases profits up to 60% immediately after introducing new sales techniques into your communication
- Boosts the average order amount by at least 30% through the techniques of "upselling”
- Reduces advertising costs, as you begin to work more effectively with your existing audience.
Firstly, you need to look through your communication manner in your business profile and make it cohesive and professional from the first letter to the last.
Basic rules of correspondence in a business account on Instagram:
Reply to messages or customer comments within 10 minutes during business hours. If you take longer to respond, one of two things may happen: the client may choose to buy from your competitor, or they will lose their spontaneous desire to buy.
Example: "Good afternoon, Helen. My name is Alex, I’ll be your personal manager. Can I ask you a few questions to make your choice easier?
Communicate with the client based on a predetermined script, which will always be at hand. A script is a pre-written template of responses to all the common types of conversations with clients or prospects. Thus, you can speed up the processing of inquiries and improve the quality of communication with each client. This is extremely important for boosting sales.
Do not put pressure on the client. Never use any abusing or spammy techniques. Only well-thought and professional scripts of communication.
Try to find out what they need, and don’t impose your ideas. Talk about the benefits for the client, and not about the benefits of the product in general.
When selling, you do not need to be overly assertive, intrusive, or deliberately convincing. Remember that an excellent product or service does not need this kind of hard sell.
Client management in Instagram Direct
Communicate with the client only from a CRM system for Direct. A Direct module from Inflact is a platform for communicating with customers, where all your Instagram accounts are connected. By implementing a CRM for Direct, you can increase order conversion, speed up order processing, and improve the quality of customer interactions.
What you can do in the Direct module for making your communication flawlessly professional?
In this article, you’ll find major differences between basic Instagram Direct and Inflact Direct CRM.
In short, from the Instagram Direct module you can set these amazing things:
- Auto-replies to any keyword in any message you receive
- Auto-replies to any keyword in the message you’ve received
- Auto-replies to any reaction in your profile: to a first message, to a Story reaction and other.
- Bulk messages to all active threads or all followers of your account
- Welcome messages to every new follower
- Labeling your clients, orders, offers or any other categories that you need right in the Instagram Direct chat.

Now we will talk about one of the features of Instagram Direct module: labeling. The technology of reaching a special group of clients, marked with labels has three steps.
Label, script, reach
Why do you need to segment and label your clients. For detailed and personal communication with every group of clients. If the relationship with customers continues (service, updates, support, information about new products, etc.), - and this info is targeted and set for a special group then they will ultimately be reassured of the correctness of their choice.
You need to write, find or order from a freelance copywriter a script for every group of clients, orders, status etc. group. With this you have a greater chance that they will talk to you and answer all your questions, and finally buy from you.
Second, attention to the customer drives repeat sales. This is especially true if the funnel is cyclical. Renewing your insurance policy, paying for the next period, signing up for the next session – all this can be included in the right kind of sales funnel.
For example, a funnel for a company organizing children's parties can be supplemented by a chatbot so that it can suggest a new birthday program to the client just in time for the next year’s birthday. And the marketing funnel of an online store should include sending a message about new collections.
All reach in the Inflact Direct module is absolutely automatic. So that you set up everything once - and your direct is working all day long, while you’re working on anything else.
Delegating tasks effectively with labeling
You can delegate any process to your managers. This service can be used by several users at the same time (unlike the basic Instagram, which is dangerous to access from several devices at the same time), so three, five, or even ten people can control the flow of orders. Your employees can transfer tasks to each other depending on the phase of their execution.
This is especially convenient if your store has a product that has several phases of execution. Now you don't have to keep a separate Google document for this and can manage all the questions directly on Instagram, optimizing all stages of customer service.

Let’s say you make handmade shoes. You have more than 50 orders per day on Instagram.
Consultants Nancy, Kara, and Mary advise clients on a variety of issues every day. Nancy is responsible for the selection of evening shoes. Mary looks after everyday footwear. Kara is for sports. They delegate tasks to each other without losing a single message in Direct.
Order status labeling.
The labeling feature is a great way to highlight the status of orders right in Instagram. Now you can use Direct as a full CMS system – you can see all labels right in the list of threads and find unshipped orders or shipped orders by status at a glance. Or you can use the smart label search in the Direct service to find all possible orders or clients that have the same status. This is extremely useful for shops with products that have a lot of different statuses or for services that have different statements.

You’re a nail studio. You have many clients who need manicure – but sometimes they reserve a date too far in advance, and when the day comes, they’ve forgotten or have no time for you. Or, perhaps they need a manicure once every two weeks and a pedicure once a month, so you need to notify them about the free times for the dates they will be planning to reserve. Label the reservations and never miss notifying your customers, so that you won’t lose any of them.
Special client labeling

It is time to highlight some clients in your Direct to boost your sales. Here’s how client labeling can help you to sell more – it’s so easy! Choose groups of clients you need to highlight, add the specific labels to the list, and label them. That’s it! Some ideas:
“waiting for restock”, “waiting for M size”, “return customer”, “10th order”, and so on. Stimulate special groups of customers with messages, notifications, and offers, and you will be surprised how your sales will increase in a short period of time.

Add every new client who’re interested in a white dress, that is out for stock now. In a month, when it will appear in the stock,- you can send an offer for the white dress labeled clients to stimulate them to buy from you.