Life stories
1. A funny story;
2. A tear-jerking story;
3. A cautionary tale;
4. The last time when you cried with happiness;
5. A victory story;
6. A failure story;
7. A flashback;
8. A story of good deeds;
9. An embarrassing story;
10. Your weird dream;

Here's what you could write based on the latest global and local events.
11. Your attitude to Brexit;
12. In Botswana, a man hijacked a plane and rammed his own house;
13. Why are West Africa's fish disappearing?
14. A 28-year-old inventor unveils contact lenses that correct color blindness;
15. Or new shoes of Mariah Carey;

There always will be something to discuss, but what is most significantly — do not go too far with the negativity, people are so tired with it.
Discovery of the month
Feel free to talk about your new experience, positive or not.
16. A good book;
17. A nice sitcom;
18. An excellent restaurant service;
19. A great nail specialist;
20. A media-finding;
21. The best app of the month/week/etc;
22. The best offline event;
23. Maybe you have realized a universal truth;
24. Some delicious and healthy product you ate;
25. A divine face mask you tested;

Personal expertise
Teach your followers something (e.g. a new recipe, how to process photos, etc.) If your account presents some practical value, people will follow you. You never know, maybe some of your followers do not know how to tie a beautiful bow of satin ribbon.
26. Posts of goodies recipes;
27. How to buy something for less?
28. How did you make your hair thick and long?
29. What helps you learn new foreign words?
30. Lifehack how design a room cheap and stylish;
31. How to travel on a budget?

I am very curious about the progress of my friends' challenges: somebody sets a goal to improve his/her foreign language skills, and somebody wants to do 150 push-ups at a set. There is a double benefit: you make yourself better and make your profile more active.
32. Challenge: I’ll lose 10 kilos in one month;
33. Challenge: I'll learn how to crochet in a week;
34. Challenge: I'll learn 500 new Spanish words in 20 days;
35. Challenge: One month without sweets;
36. Challenge: I’ll read 7 new books;

Asking advice
37. Where to buy winter clothes to look elegant?
38. Don’t know what to watch/read/cook/etc, give your piece of advice;
39. I’m going to buy a new car, which one to choose?
40. Where to go on holiday?
41. What to buy for a boyfriend’s or girlfriend’s birthday?

“I foresee”
42. I think 2022 is the last year for 'America's next top model';
43. I'm sure Elon Musk will be able to make Tesla a profitable company in 2022;
44. I think 200 million people won't have watched SKIBIDI until the end of March;
45. Summer will be very hot;
It is an endless source of posts. Absolutely everything will come in handy for this content – from packing luggage to a photo-report with local tribes.
46. How do you pack your luggage? Do you have a checklist?
47. A story about the best/worst airline or flight;
48. Your travel life hacks;
49. Write about what you expect from this trip;
50. The place you are going to visit;

51. Your job;
52. Your team;
53. Reviews from your satisfied customers;
54. Changes that take place at work;
55. Show your workplace and write about it;
56. A roadmap;
57. How do you take photos and write posts;

Other ideas for posts
58. Holiday congratulations;
59. Thematic selection of movies/books/TV series;
60. Have a giveaway with a prize;
61. Make a review of any good or service (phone/app/toaster);
62. Create a poll on any topic;
64. Recommend other profiles;
65. Statistics;
66. "Word of the week";
67. "Event of the week";
68. Checklist for a month;
69. A checklist challenge;
70. The wittiest comment of the month;
71. Your hobby;
72. Your gratitude to anybody;
73. Things you can't live without;
74. How does your morning begin?
75. Your follower's story;
76. Good habits. How do you develop them?
77. What made you decide to become a blogger?
78. Old posts;
79. Some secret places in your city;
80. What qualities do you highly appreciate in people?
81. A letter to yourself;
82. “What if…”;
83. What is your perfect day?
84. How your typical day is different from the perfect one;
85. Questions & Answers;
86. A list of questions that people should ask, but no one has done it yet;
87. How you attract followers to your profile;
88. Don't forget about your pets;
89. Do a culinary experiment;
90. Create your gizmo;
91. Share one of your followers' content;
92. Publish a screenshot of the dialogue on an interesting topic;
93. Ask your followers who they are interested in;
94. Don't forget to publish a 'post-acquaintance' from time to time;
95. Post your funny photo, or your child or your pet and ask your audience to come up with a title;
96. Play with your audience. Intriguing, provocative questions and answers to them in the next post;
97. Make a few posts on a topic that is close to yours;
98. Ask your followers to criticize you;
99. Ask riddles;
100. Post your “top 10” lists.
I hope you've been inspired by this material, and made a note of a couple of blog ideas for Instagram. Good luck with blogging, and don't forget to enjoy it!