![Instagram feed: A Guide to How to Pose for Instagram [updated]](/uploads/content/23424234234.jpg)
Because this visual platform is now a strong basis of tons of brands and millions of public figures — it is so important to follow its trends.Today you are surrounded by how to look on the internet and how your Instafeed is popping. Or is it not popping? If Instagram is a part of your job or your branding platform, you have to figure out how to not to look awkward and pretend that you know what you’re doing and what you’re doing this for.
Why is it more important to know how to pose in 2023 than in 2022?
Well, this is not a secret, but maybe you haven't paid much attention to the fact that cool, trendy posing is crucial for your photos. And I’m not talking about “slimming” posing. The trends of this social media moved through luxury living to fitness photos in 2020, oh yeh, let's just forget this pillow madness during year -which-mustn't-be-named, then a photo-dump in 2022, and, oh dear, it is 2023 and the trend has changed again.
Today posing in a stylish manner makes a difference. Now it doesn’t matter how exclusive your car is, or how much your purse cost. And it doesn’t even matter if you’re slim enough or not. A stylish pose makes your feed look crazily trendy. Look at any popular blogger’s feed — and you’ll see the trend with your own eyes:

In this guide, I’ll show you the most effective and really hot posing trends on IG. Here you will find simple tips, tricks, and instructions on how to make your feed look stylish with just several photos in the right pose. So if you’re active on IG, you check it way too often, and you’re really interested in how to attract more followers to your feed — keep reading.
#1 Posing idea: No-face portrait
It sounds crazy, but this is a fact. People are bored with faces, emotions, and mimics on IG. There were too many of all these in the past few years. And now the trend is moving towards photography without showing any emotions. Your pose can show them all.This posing trend is of course based on fashion outfits, beautiful posture and haircut, or any other aesthetic things that bring attention and inspire. Instructions for this type of posing:
- Get up to three catching details of your appearance in the shot. This could be anything you like: from a purse to a tattoo.
- Turn away from the camera or hide your face with hair, a mask, or a hand — anything that can make this photo attractive.
- Don’t play, pose too much, or make unnatural moves. This kind of posing needs a very relaxed look, without overposing.
- Use daylight or the golden hour. Alternatively, take a photo in a much lightened room.
- Think about the background. It should be clean and well-lit. It’s better to choose a minimalist background, especially if you’re planning to show your highly detailed outfit.

#2 Photo trend — Close up portrait
The most fascinating photo trend is the ultra close up. It looks gorgeous, attracts tons of attention, and grabs the user's attention to your feed in a second. To avoid conflicting with the previous trend, I need to say that the key thing with this posing is that there should be no emotions in it. And the major detail is not the personality of the model, but her skin and makeup.
Instructions for a close up in 2023:
- Have flawless skin for this photo as it will take more than 80% of the image. Add freckles if you want or make your skin look wet.
- Bright and dark makeup isn’t so necessary for this photo. Half of bloggers’ photos for this trend are made just with clear flawless skin and with a no makeup look. Highlighter will look fresh.
- This trend is made to look unedited. Better just to beautify your face with slight blemishes and leave it without any filters.
- Daylight or the golden hour is vital for making this kind of photo.
- Don’t use portrait mode on the camera while taking this photo. The selfie camera will mess up the shot, too. It’s better to use the back camera option and zoom a little.

Don’t forget to add an amazing caption to your Instagram feed. It would add more sense to your photo, especially if it is made with customised fonts. You can choose stylish fonts which are reflecting your individuality.
#3 Posing trend — No face outfit
The main thing for this trend is to avoid showing a face at all. Show only the 'from the above angle' and demonstrate your outfit. Create a composition for this photo by sitting in a relaxed manner, bending your arms and legs. The no face outfit trend requires a spontaneous photo in which the space is filled with your body and conveys a harmonic and balanced mood while showing the detail of your look.
Instructions for this no-face look:
- Take a photo from above the model.
- Best to use slight nudity for this photo. Bare arms or legs look nice from the above angle and add a bit of sexuality to the photo

#4 Posing trend — Chair is your best friend
This trend involves using a chair (this could be any) and a pretty, fashionable outfit. Also, it is important to avoid showing too many emotions on your face in such a photo. Only your body, figure, posture, outfit, and accessories. The pose itself should be relaxed, without showing too many curves. This trend is an absolute must for 2023 — every significant influencer uses it to show the details of their look.
Instructions for a “chair look”:
- Don’t be afraid to seem bad-mannered putting your feet somewhere like on the edge of your chair. Add a light “hooligan mood” to your photo.

#5 Selfie trend — Replace face with the phone
THIS ONE IS THE HOTTEST IN 2023. Just check any blogger’s account, and you will definitely find at least one photo for this trend. It requires any posing — from full size to a close-up portrait. Just make sure that your phone is totally blocking your face in the reflection and voilà — the hottest trend is on your page.
Instructions for this trend:
- At least one thing on the photo should be exciting and take the attention of the viewer. It can be your outfit, hair, lighting, interior, or any background.
- Don’t over pose for this trend. Try to show yourself in a natural and relaxed pose.