Want to know who is the most famous person on Instagram or want a become such a person? Just read this article!

Of course, for celebrities and well-known brands, the process of promotion can be quicker than for ordinary Instagram users and small businesses. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that it is a short and easy way for them. There are enough challenges and barriers for everyone who is trying to become popular on this platform.
Who is the most famous person on Instagram: here is the answer
I am sure that if you are interested in Instagram promotion, you may know dozens of names of popular models (you can refresh your memory and look through our list of 20 Hottest Instagram Models!), bloggers, celebrities whose audience is larger than the population of your country. But who is the most famous?
Okay, let me help you to guess.
It’s a man (yes, it may be rather surprising as the majority of popular bloggers and celebrities who are active and successful on Instagram are girls).
At the moment, the number of his followers is bigger than the population of Russia (and equals the number of Ireland’s population multiplied by 35).
Still have no guesses?
He is a football player. Maybe you already know the answer to the question who is the most followed person on Instagram?
Okay, I’ll tell you. It’s not a secret.
It’s Cristiano Ronaldo. Namely, he occupies the highest position in this ranking. As of June 19, 2019, he has over 171 million followers.
Can you imagine this number? It sounds extremely impressive if you know that the total amount of Instagrammers is around 299 million. It means that nearly 57% of all the people who have their accounts on Instagram follow Cristiano.

In the rankings of the most famous people on IG, Ronaldo is followed by Ariana Grande with her 157 million and Selena Gomez with 152 million.
It’s the most up-to-date answer to the question who is the most famous person on Instagram, it’s clear that from time to time the situation may change. Nevertheless, the current leaders are obvious.
Among other prominent Instagrammers are The Rock (Dwayne Johnson), Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Beyoncé, Leo Messi, and Taylor Swift. I am sure that you know the majority of these names (if not all) and maybe even follow the accounts of these record-holders.
What is needed to become the most followed person on Instagram
You may say that all the above-mentioned people are famous outside the platform and have higher chances to get the audience and it is impossible to follow their footsteps. I can agree with you only partially.
First of all, the fact that they are celebrities doesn't mean that you can’t at least try to achieve success. And secondly, the fact that they have their audience offline doesn’t mean that they do not need to work hard to gain their audience online.
So, we have just almost formulated the main principle of promotion: to become famous, you need to have your audience. But the methods how you achieve it may vary, that’s natural.

What can you do to become super popular?
If you also want to become the most famous person on Instagram, you also have such a chance. Why not? Just act! And we are ready to help and support you!
We always explain to our clients that there are two main components of popularity. They are the high-quality visual and textual content that you share and a well-developed strategy of promotion.
While with the first component we can help you only via sharing our recommendations and awesome ideas (100 Ideas for an Instagram Blog: Your Inspiration are at your disposal), with your promotion we can provide our full assistance.
Sounds rather complicated? But you want to hear your own name as an answer to the question who is the most famous person on Instagram, don’t you? So, I’ll try to explain it as simply as possible.
Among other things, to gain an audience (that will ensure your popularity) you need to:
- Stay active on your own (like other posts, leave comments and follow other people). Users need to know that you are here waiting for them.
- Create and share good publications that you need to promote with the help of hashtags (don’t forget about our awesome hashtag generator that can offer you only trendy hashtags that will really work).
- Make publications at the time when there are the highest chances that they won’t be lost in the feeds of your followers.
- Boost engagement of your audience and encourage people to bring you new followers.
- Establish communication with your audience via DMs. I've prepared for you Instagram DM Template: 30 Catchy Examples of Messages. So you don't have to waste time thinking up your messages.
Want to see your name
in the rankings of the most followed people on Instagram?
in the rankings of the most followed people on Instagram?