Case-story about Christie Nicole, who for 4 months of using the wedding generator, pushed up the number of sales by 67%!

Recently, the wedding business has become quite profitable. On Instagram began to appear accounts of various wedding places, organizers, and of course, designers who promise to create for the bride the most unique and delightful dress in the world!
Today, I will tell the story of Christie Nicole, a fairly young but successful wedding designer, who with the help of wedding hashtags, has gained the following:
- extended the number of followers by 5K;
- boosted traffic to the profile by 71%;
- pushed up the number of sales by 67%;
- increased the number of direct requests 4 times;
Above all, she signed a contract with a fashion house for the development of the unique design for a spring wedding dress!
P.S.: If you think that to achieve such results you need years and planning work on the comprehensive development of Instagram account, then I will please you!
Christie was able to achieve these in just 4 months! What was she doing? She used the right wedding hashtags. They have helped newly brides to find her account and ordered dresses.
Become Popular in 4 Months And Increase Your Income 3 Times!
Important! Christie did not consider Instagram as the only platform for promotion! So if you focus more on it, you can achieve great results!
Christie, for more than 10 years, sews wedding dresses. During this time, she was able to build a business that has brought her a steady income. However, we all have bad periods. A couple of months ago, the number of orders decreased several times.
Therefore, Christie has the following goals:
- increase sales of fashion atelier;
- attract new customers;
- increase monthly income by 3 times;
- collaborate with fashion houses.
As a possible means of solving the problem, Christie has chosen the promotion of Instagram profile. She decided to use the trending wedding hashtags. After all, recently, Instagram has turned from a common social network into a platform for fast and high-quality promotion of any business.
The main strategy was as follows:
Girls, choosing the necessary hashtag has found photos of her works. She has published such photos not only in her profile but also her previous clients has posted the photos from the wedding under which they have used the unique wedding hashtags of Christie.
So, she needed to pick up such hashtags that would be not only trending, but also working, and would be able to bring a large number of girls to her profile for the order.
For that, Christie started using the wedding hashtag generator, which picked up for her hashtags in two categories: Similar and Related. Each item divided the hashtags into the following sub-categories: Frequent, Average, Rare.
Appreciate Inflact Hashtag Generator For Stable Promotion! Achieve your goals faster and efficient!
The scheme of work looked like this:
First of all, she decided that under each post, she would use no more than 15 hashtags. However, she published all the selected hashtags in a separate message, in order not to irritate the attention of users and that they are not lost at the bottom of the post.
The second step was to determine how many wedding hashtags from each item she would use. She decided that her main focus would be on similar hashtags. So she picked up hashtags from that category. The scheme looked like this:

- 7 Frequent hashtags;
- 5 Average hashtags;
- 2 Rare hashtags.
Christie also decided to add her own unique branded hashtag that reflected her business and could promote her not only on Instagram but also on other social platforms.
Moreover, for each selected hashtag, she did an analysis, which reflected not only the frequency of use of the hashtag but also the effectiveness.

With this analysis, she was able to track the most popular days of the week for using this hashtag. After that, she has chosen the one that could bring her as close to fulfilling her goals as possible.

Besides, Christie could view the latest publications of users on the same topic and evaluate the approach of competitors to doing business in real time.

To make it easier for herself, she uploaded a photo for future publication to a hashtag generator, and she selected the most successful options for use.

What is the result?
As a result of her 4 month promotion campaign she received:
- +71% of the traffic;
- +67% of orders;
- +increase direct requests in 4 times;
- +income increase by 3 times.
Above all, Christie signed a contract to sew a trendy wedding dress spring 2022! She was able to fulfill her dream, thanks to the popularity and spread of her brand and works.
Make your dreams come true – choose hashtag generator and use only working hashtags!
4 lifehacks to perfect wedding hashtags and ideas!
Do you think, my dear brides, that I would leave you without interesting information about wedding hashtags? After all, today, the wedding hashtag is an integral part of the wedding celebration as the bride and groom!
Wedding hashtags are your wedding logos! Thanks to them, you will be able to find all the photos and videos from your wedding shared by your guests at the wedding celebration!

Also, using trending hashtags, you can earn thousands of likes from other Instagram users who will appreciate your beautiful photos.
What does it take? Here are some tips for wedding hashtag ideas!
1. Summarize all the information about you!
Before coming up with cool and unique hashtags, take a piece of paper and a pen and write down important items from the wedding: your names, wedding date, venue, year, wedding style, and so on. Based on this data, you can come up with cool wedding hashtags.
2. Pick up the trending hashtags!
If you want that your wedding photos will be seen by people, do not forget to use trending hashtags, which are most often used to find the right information.
Don't waste your time looking for working hashtags! Use Inflact Trending Hashtags!
3. Come up with different variants hashtags!
Do not stop at one variant! There may be several of them! As we know, we are all different, and our tastes are different. Therefore, some of the guests may like hashtag, and some do not. So try to satisfy the wishes of all!
4. Write and tell everyone about your hashtags!
If you do not tell your guests that your wedding is held under one or another hashtag, they are unlikely to guess to use them. Therefore, try to write and talk about them wherever possible: on a wedding invitation, on tablecloths, napkins, photo zone, accessories, etc.
Following these simple steps, you can not only mark your wedding with a unique logo but also attract a new audience to your Instagram profile and a lot of likes on wedding publications!