Do you want to know why Social Upgrade is closed down? Or read real and honest Social Upgrade reviews?

Instagram Bot community was shocked by the news that Social Upgrade had been doing to their clients. Can you imagine, that client pays for the service for promoting his Instagram account, but the account is being used for making money? How? Everything is rather simple. The owners of Social Upgrade had 2 main services: Instagram Bot and marketplace, where everyone could buy likes or followers. So the scheme is simple: clients pay money to get Instagram promotion and connect the accounts to the system, and at the same time, the owners sell likes and use connected accounts to deliver them. Everybody is satisfied except for people who paid for Instagram Bot service!

Instagram has a limited number of actions, that can be performed by account per day. And people tend to pay money for targeted actions at the potential customers or followers, but not for blowing up actions for somebody’s profit.
Social Upgrade had a rather high price for subscription: $39 - $99. But they didn’t even perform the promised actions! They were making money out of air by deceiving the clients!
Social Upgrade had a rather high price for subscription: $39 - $99. But they didn’t even perform the promised actions! They were making money out of air by deceiving the clients!
Any Social Upgrade alternatives?
Do you know that Inflact performs 1200-1500 actions a day? And nobody has never been blocked for this number of actions? Plus Inflact is twice effective than common Instagram Bot, that has limits for 700 actions? Maybe other Instagram Bots also sell your account actions and deceive you?
Why is Inflact the best alternative to Social Upgrade?
PriceInflact has a better price for the number of performing actions. It starts from $22 compared to $39 Social Upgrade price.
Number of actions
Inflact performs up to 1500 actions, and Social Upgrade made a limit for 700 actions. Every client lost at least half of the actions, that he or she had.
All data, passwords are encrypted, and nobody has any access to Instagram accounts. We care about every our customer and respect the security of personal data.
Scheduled Posting
Plan your posts and save 300 minutes of personal time a month! Free your time to relax and enjoy your life!
Special offers
We present bonuses and discounts for you! Just ask support member in the live-chat about any current offers.
Ready to see what Inflact can do?
and see how actual Instagram Bot must work!
and see how actual Instagram Bot must work!