Do you want to know the tools and services that you need to use every day as a professional Instagram influencer? Your tools are like your employees and are crucial in promoting yourself.

In this article you will get the top 3 main tools that are insanely important for every Instagram influencer to use in 2022.
Main goals for every Instagram influencer’s profile in 2022.
Monetizing influencers Instagram
Marketing is always about monetizing. And this is the main aim of Instagram influencers — to make money on their content. OK, you might deny this fact. You might say that you’ve created your page just to share your experience and useful information with people. But you can’t deny the fact that 90% of influencers are making money on their content and monetizing is the main goal of their profiles.
Promotion both for small and big Instagram influencers
The second goal is to promote their content. This means to make their reach bigger with each second and make the audience that is reached more targeted and interested.
Following growth for increasing Instagram influencers salary
The idea of constantly growing the following is a basic one for Instagram influencers. You always need a bigger following to skyrocket your monetizing check. Keeping all these three goals in mind, we are going to check the coolest tools for an Instagram influencer in 2022
Automation tool — how to stand among top Instagram influencers

The best secret friend of an Instagram influencer is an automation tool. I can’t say that they are the most-loved tools in 2022 as there are concerns about using them unsafely. The Instagram algorithm is stricter than ever today. It bans and deletes profiles for too-obvious mass following or mass liking. And most Instagram automation services are not safe to use now. Don’t forget that there is a tool that is always a little smarter than Instagram. And that’s it. You can still like comments and view stories on your competitors’ followers’ accounts. And these are effective as a rocket for your account.

You’d better use these features on your page. If you’ve ever tried to do something like that manually you’ll already know, you can like a hundred of followers. For one, two, or three days. And on the fourth day you’ll forget to do it. Instagram will stop growing. It's better to rely on a professional tool that never stops. Moreover, if you try to gain followers manually, Instagram will ban you just for too much of this activity on the account. The limits on actions are changing constantly. And the automation tool is made for following these limits. It takes the right pauses between every single move in your account.
Direct messages tool to find clients for paid promo on influencers Instagram
A really important tool for every Instagram influencer to use is direct messenger automation. The latest update on the Instagram app brought us a more convenient direct messenger. But this basic DM is still not so powerful as it might be. If we are talking about influencers, the key thing for this type of social media business is to have all your advertising clients on hand. Which is always problematic. You’re not selling products or services directly, but you are promoting your advertiser’s services and products in your feed.
So, what do you need asap?
Yes, fast and full auto-replies for keywords, to respond to every single person who’s texted you with any details, which include some keywords that you’ve accurately set in the tool. Yes, you need to make newsletters for your possible advertising clients. In this newsletter you are describing your audience and their interests, showing your profile insights and stats, and sharing your price list.
Posting so often as all best influencers on Instagram
What influencer can live without automated posting? The secret is that the main goal of all Instagram influencers is to create a virtual space of their distinct lifestyle, topic, and inspiration for their followers.
They create a place which is full of valuable and useful information. They always post daily, make their posts beautifully edited, easy to read and already tagged with a location, hashtags, and other accounts. Do they really do this daily?
No. They post at the right time to make the most of the possible engagement. 70% of influencers gather materials for their feed beforehand.
You’ll complete the need of your post being promoted. You’ll find more clients to advertise than ever. You’ll fulfill your goal of the dream following. So, every single piece of content that you create will be posted on time and ought to gather the right audience around it. Always keep in mind that all big influencers do it. So, it is worth a try.