So, these are hashtags that we need to use asap. And this success is illustrated by the publications that come out on top in a hashtag search. Have a look at these publications. Do you think they won due to their excellent content? Or due to the best reactions and engagement? Or is it really the ideal composition of their hashtag sets? You’d be at least partly right whichever one you guessed. But the last variant seems to be the most controllable one, doesn’t it? So, let’s master the art of savvy hashtags reuse. Let's find the most successful hashtag combinations of your competitors to reuse under your posts and get more engagement.
IG hashtags lifehack preparation
The lifehack preparation step involves creating a list of your most successful competitors. Try to find competitors with the best engagement and traffic. Look for competitors who have the same type of audience that you need in your profile. When you find these competitors, add them to your list. Then analyze the activity of their profiles — if it’s really great, and the engagement is higher than 3%-5%, then use it for this lifehack. All you need to do is to create a list of keywords that describe your business, brand or public figure best.
Step-by-step instruction of how to use competitors’ hashtags
To make this lifehack clear and easy to repeat I’ll show you how to use it on examples.
#1 Use a tool to create a list of competitors
Type your main keyword into the Advanced Instagram Search. Unlike a basic Instagram search, this service can show your results by category, number of followers, even the gender of an Instagram profile. To find your sucessful competitors:




#2 Take the most successful accounts into your competitors list
Now, after this quick and dirty competitor survey is done, you need to go through some social listening. This is the only way you can uncover the ideas and the real stats you hadn’t considered before. With the list of profiles you’ve collected, you will now go from inspiration to real marketing analysis to get the right hashtags for your own brand. Look through the profiles you’ve got — are they really successful? Does the content appearing on these pages match your brand guidelines? Look through the followers of these profiles: do these followers seem to be similar to your audience?
#3 Identify the most successful publications with the Profile Analyzer
Open up all these competitors pages in the Profile Analyzer tool. You can do it two ways:
- By clicking the Analyze button in the profile box of the Advanced Instagram Search.

- By typing a @username right into the Profile Analyser tool.

At this stage, you need to find the most popular and highest-ranking publications on your competitor’s profile. It is easy with the Profile Analyser tool, as it automatically provides you with a grid of the most popular posts of any Instagram profile — just scroll lower.

This is brilliant knowledge for those who want to find the key to success. Open these publications right on Instagram by clicking the “More” button.

#4 Copy their best hashtag groups
Now you need to copy these most popular and winning hashtag sets to a new document. Just copy all of them right from the Instagram post, group by group.

Don’t mix the sets between each other! Remember, these hashtags are working better together.
#5 Randomize the hashtag order
Now to add a uniqueness and creativity you should randomize the word order in these groups. To do it easily, use this tool: Onlinerandomtools.

Paste a set of hashtags and shuffle words in one click.
#6 Use the sets you’ve created on your posts
Now you have a bunch of sets of the most successful hashtags! Congratulations. The only thing left to do is to use them properly. These hashtags are making money for your competitors, so you need to use them wisely to make money too. You need to post great and engaging content with these hashtags to get the biggest reach. However, this strategy doesn’t work immediately from the first time. You’ll need 10-50 posts with excellent hashtags to get a chance of possible success. Don’t forget the main rule of any hashtag strategy — use only relevant words. Don’t try to paste or type in hashtags that are just popular and trendy, but have no connection with the content you’re posting.
P.S Don’t forget to track your success