Have you ever noticed that your beautiful images can be rather unexpectedly cropped by Instagram after you add them to stories? In this blog post, I will tell you more about the ideal Instagram stories dimensions which will help you not to face an unpleasant situation.
Instagram stories: do you really need to take care about them?
When Instagram stories appeared a lot of users couldn’t even imagine why they need to use them. But starting as a rather unclear feature, stories have managed to become a really powerful promotional tool.
Stories are believed to be much more interactive than simple posts that you publish in your account. Instagram stories are among the reasons why over 500 million people visit the app every day.
Though stories are displayed for 24 hours only (unless you save them in your account), they have an extremely important function of enhancing the activity of your audience. If it is interesting for you to learn more details about the capacities of this tool, just read how Instagram stories help to promote your business.
But it’s clear that not only stories matter when you want to reach the top on Instagram. Followers themselves, likes, comments are also extremely important components. And we have a good idea what to offer you!
While you will be creating your powerful stories and looking for a catchy content our Instagram bot will work on your promotion. It sounds great, doesn’t it? Moreover, the Inflact bot can not only bring your likes and followers, but it can also ensure more views of your stories which simulates real human behavior.

What to post in your stories?
Hope you agree with me that for a successful promotion, Instagram stories is a must. But what does your audience want to see in stories? And what formats of stories can be beneficial for your promotion?There is a wide range of Instagram stories formats that you can use (by the way, don’t be afraid to mix them and to try out something new). Nevertheless, quite often people have more questions about more what they can share rather than how they can do it.
I offer you to test the effectiveness of the following types of stories:
- Polls (ask your followers to vote for the most attractive variant or to share their opinion)
- Content generated by your audience (you can even organize a contest for them)
- Events/daily stories (your followers also want to see that you are just an ordinary person just like them)
- New products (you can add a link to a catalog as well)
- Jokes (don’t be too serious, from time to time let your followers smile)

What are the most suitable Instagram Story dimensions?
Nevertheless, to make your stories look amazing, I strongly recommend you to use the correct Instagram story size that is 1080px by 1920px or you may have heard about these dimensions as an aspect ratio of 9:16. You should bear these dimensions in mind in order not to let the app crop your image or spoil its quality.
If you create your individually branded content, just use these Instagram stories dimensions to avoid problems.
If you are going just to post a photo in stories, be ready that the app will change its format or do it yourself to be sure that the image will be displayed in the way that you consider to be the most appropriate one.
What you can do wrong: Instagram story size and other mistakes

Bonus: Instagram Stories dimensions secret tip
Use Canva to create a perfect-size, creative Stories! This is a free service for creating stunning visual content. Easily, without even practice, you can turn into a designer. And you won’t have to think about finding the right Instagram stories dimensions, it’s already done for you.
You need to choose any template and customize it according to your needs and taste. Then just save it to your device or share on Social Media.
By the way, do you remember I shared the greatest lifehack of Insta Stories? So, according to it, you need to create all your Stories (a day) as a single Story with its opening, culmination and resolution. And what is crucial, it should be designed in a single style. Canva offers stunning Stories sets for this purpose. That’s amazing!
Congratulations, now you know everything about Instagram Story dimensions!
and thanks for the tip with canva, goin' to try:)
I would never care about Instagram Story dimension, but when it concerns your business... Well, you should care. People hire graphic designers, but if you have content, imagination, and explore details on this article – why to overpay?
Thank you guys for recommending Canva. This service is somewhat precious to create sales-driving and branded stories. I have the only one question – can I schedule Stories via your tool too? And how many, if yes?
Yes, our service does have schedule Stories.