A detailed guide on the sales funnel creation + 5 real examples!

Today let's talk about sales funnels, a competent compilation of which will increase your sales by 78%! And this is not a joke! Everything is real! The whole secret is a direct messenger, a cool tool of Inflact, which allows making the most effective sales funnel, the envy of all competitors. Don’t be afraid, it's painful and not difficult, I'm there and always help!
What is a sales funnel?
Sales funnel is an important concept for marketing. This is the path that the average buyer takes from the moment of attracting the attention of a potential customer to the purchase. Inflact's tool - direct messages can help you to make a clever funnel that can increase the profit of your business at once!
The theory of the sales funnel states that there are four main stages of customer readiness, on which the direct campaign will be based. Now it's time to go through the stages of building an effective tunnel:
- Attention;
- Interest;
- Desire;
- Action.
The "AIDA" model shows what stages the consumer goes through to decide between buying (making a deal). For your sales funnel to be as effective as possible, I advise you to use direct messenger, with which you will be able to fill in all stages of building a funnel, by its classic plan. Now, let's consider how to make the best sales funnel using IG direct.
How To Sale By Instagram Direct, Planned Posting And Precise Targeting?
Step #1: Attention
What you need: here, you have several options, choose the one you like:
- Advertising. Use advertising, which you can set according to the target audience. Or to do the whole promotion campaign, which is also available in Inflact. To do this, register on the site, select the desired module and set the necessary parameters. Next, the service will pick up for you the necessary target audience, with which later you will work. Don’t think about promotion! Try and set it now! Read about all the benefits here.
- Content-plan. Think through the content strategy, develop the necessary publications, with the help of a convenient post planner, and plan the release of publications for the week ahead thanks to scheduled posting. Using this you can analyze which offers get the most response from the audience, and what is worth focusing on. More about this feature you can read here.
- Mailouts to new followers. Make automatic mailing to new followers. For example, you can send them messages thanking them about the following or with a unique offer when you first order. This will all increase loyalty and overall brand recognition. Read the real-case story of model who can implement this feature at the fullest!
- Mailouts to your followers. Make messages to existing followers. Remind about yourself and entice followers to make repeated purchases. To do this, send messages with news, promotions, tips and more. Be always in sight of your followers. More examples and evidences, why you should use this feature for building your business on Instagram.

Step #2: Interest
As you know, interest is the engine of progress. Therefore, for an effective campaign, you need to interest your potential customers. To do this, you can use the following functions:
- Send offers via direct: it can be new followers, all followers, or a list of followers. The most important thing is a bright and unusual offer that can instantly interest your followers and turn them into regular customers.
- Configure autoreply on offer. Believe me, many people will be interested in what you offer them. So, when you have a bunch of messages in direct, you cannot do anything without autoreply. Therefore, in Inflact there is such function as: if a person writes a special word-marker. For example, it could be the word “offer” or "order". Read about it here and get to know everything that will be useful for you!
- Send out new catalogs. Everyone likes when they do not need to bother and look for something on their own. Best of all, when all the new items you send automatically. To satisfy the desires of your followers, send them all new items and offers automatically.
Step #3: Desire
One of the most important stages is the awakening of desire. You need to make people understand that without your product, he just can not survive, it is vital. For this purpose, it is possible to use such receptions as:
- Create limited offers. If you send a message to a person with a unique, but most importantly limited offer, it will work so that the person will think that this thing is necessary for him. Therefore, he should make an order now.
- Personalize each message. You need to write an offer that would work as a psychological trigger, and the person felt an urgent need for it for him.
Step #4: Action
Here, the incredible possibilities of direct messages enters in game, which are able not only to bring profit, but also to simplify your work on Instagram.
- Use sales scripts. There is nothing cooler than the most thought-out answers to requests from buyers. This saves a lot of time, allows you to quickly answer questions, increase customer loyalty, use all the psychological techniques to make a deal and much more. How to make the right and effective sales scripts read here.
- Use the chat direct. One of the latest innovations of the service, which allows you to process all customer requests in one place, and most importantly, do it using a personal computer.
- Make leads into new customers and encourage them to take action. Set up a search for the target audience, and apply to them all of the above methods.

As you can see, everything is sooooo simple! You were afraid of it! But the sales funnel can increase sales at times and most importantly, increase brand loyalty. Now, it's your turn to build a sales funnel. To do this, I’ve prepared a couple of examples that can inspire you to create something unique.
Top 5 Sales Funnel on Instagram
Now let's look at the funnels of the most successful Instagram accounts, which are excellent examples of the implementation of the sales funnel, and based on the using of Inflact’s tool - direct messages. We will consider them based on the previously listed steps of configuring the successful sales funnel.
Example #1: Eco-friendly coconut bowls.

As we can see, the store has quite high rates of followers. All this thanks to a properly built sales funnel, which looks like this:
Setting up ads. Various collaborations with other stores and bloggers. To do this, the owner created messages for users using direct chat from Inflact. For this, the owner used the searching line feature in direct chat and found the interested for him accounts. The proposals for cooperation were as follows:
“Hello! We are an eco-friendly cookware store. We liked your profile and the products you sell. We would like to offer you cooperation. Write to us if you are interested in cooperation.”
This action allowed to make working advertising on accounts of other users, and also to exchange audience with shops which realize similar production.
Attracting attention to products. For this purpose, the owner has sent the messages to all new followers, with a unique offer:
“Hello! Welcome to our store! For all new customers, we have a discount of 10%. Hurry up to please yourself with quality products at a good price.”
A revival of interest. For this action, he has used the function of sending messages to all users with interesting offers, news or promotions:
“Good day! How are you? Did you know that coconut dishes are the most eco-friendly in the world? We hope you have already bought it. If not yet, then hurry up to place an order and get a cool gift!”
To awaken the desire to buy the owner used Instagram stories with reviews of previous customers. To do this, each customer who placed an order and received it was sent a message asking to leave feedback:
“Hello! Did you like your order? We hope so! So, please, leave your feedback and get a 5% discount on your next order!“
As a call-to-action, sales scripts were used, which were developed according to the possible answers of customers and subsequent cooperation with them. The main emphasis was on polite communication and a unique offer.
- Auto greeting: “Good afternoon! Welcome to our eco-friendly store. If you are for natural products and materials, then our store is a real paradise for you!”
- One of the user's responses options: “Hello! You have very beautiful and attractive products!”
- Then the auto answer function was connected: “We are glad that you like our product line. You can find more products at the link. P.S.: For advice, write the word "specialist".”
- The user interested in the consultation has written the word “specialist”, which in this funnel is a marker, and the robot has been replaced by a Manager who continued the dialog with the potential buyer: “Hello! My name is Nina. I will answer all your questions and help you with the choice of products.”
- Then the client continued the dialogue. For a convenient correspondence with the client, Inflact has a special DM chats, which is ideal for communicating with customers.
About DM chat, you can read the article Instagram Direct Chat On Your PC: Make It Simple! Get new knowledge and use it correctly!
P.S.: Don’t forget about new feature of DM chat. Now, you may use the searching line where you can find any account and start to chat with it! The convenient and crazy possibility to simplify your working process!
Example #2: Wooden watch store.

The popular wood watch store was able to achieve popularity and high sales figures thanks to the following sales funnel:
Setting up ads. Due to this, the overall brand awareness increased and new customers were attracted. For this purpose, in addition to targeted advertising, special messages were created and sent using direct chat to offer cooperation with bloggers. The owner found them using the searching line feature of direct chat:
“Hello! You are a quite popular and respected person in the Internet space. We would like to offer you to test our products and if you like it - advertise them on your blog. If you are interested in our offer - please write to us! Have a nice day!”
Thanks to this, bloggers began to advertise the products of the store and increased brand awareness.
To draw attention to the brand, text messages were used for each new follower who clicked on the blogger's link:
“Hello! Thanks for following. We hope that soon you will place your first order. We give you a 15% discount on it. We wish you the best!”
The total conversion of such messages exceeded expectations 3 times and increased the number of messages by 45%.
To arouse interest, the owner sent messages with a unique history of each model that may suit them to all followers:
“Hi! Have you already seen our new collection! It has models that you can choose based on your preferences! Follow the link and make the order!”
The number of users for 1 week of such mailing was about 50 thousand!
To awaken the desire, the technique of visual display of products was used. There were several broadcasts where models showed products. As invitations to broadcast, followers received the following messages:
“Good day! You have not forgotten that today we are holding a live broadcast on which we will show all our new products. Don't miss it! Everyone who visits the broadcast we will give a discount of 5%.”
The “bring a friend - get a gift” technique was used as a call-to-action. Followers received sales scripts messages with the following text:
- Auto greeting: “Hello! Thank you for supporting our innovative project! We have many interesting models for both men and women. We have a special offer: bring a friend and get a gift from us.”
- One of the user's responses options: “Hello! Cool idea! Can you tell me more about it?”
- Then the autoresponder function came on: “If you want to get a free consultation write the word "consultation".”
- The user has written the right word which in this funnel is a marker, and at this moment the Manager has been connected: “Hello! My name is Alex. I’m an online store consultant. What can I do for you?"
- After that, the client formulated his questions and the dialogue continued.
Example #3: Store of clothing for children.

One of the most interesting sales funnel is the funnel of the clothing store for children. They focused not only on the bright design of the profile but also on cooperation with other brands and communication with customers.
Advertising of this account had a rather specific character, so, the owner decided to place the ads in the account of the target audience which was determined previously. He found them using the searching line feature of direct chat. They received the following message:
“Good day! If you care about children, we offer you cooperation. We sell only the highest quality and comfortable clothes for children. We would like to order advertising in your account. Please, write to us if you are also interested in cooperation.”
To attract attention to the account and the brand as a whole, we have sent messages to all followers, to ensure that the store always remained in their ears:
“Good afternoon! It's been a long time since your last order! It's time to update the children's wardrobe. We offer you a discount of 5% on all the children's clothes for boys.”
To arouse interest in the brand, each follower received such message:
“Good day! We have prepared for you 10 interesting facts about children! In addition, there are some tips on how to choose the right clothes for them so that in a month they do not grow out of it. Follow the link, read and place an order based on new knowledge. Good luck!”
To form a desire to buy, the owner used a unique offer, he has sent the messages to new followers with the following text:
“Hello! Thanks for following! We are a store that sells only the highest quality children's clothing from the world's best manufacturers. Please your baby now and order him a blouse with a discount of 50%.”
As a call-to-action, sales scripts were used, which were created based on the possible responses of followers. They were sent to each new follower.
- Auto greeting: “Hello! We are glad to welcome you to our cozy shop for high-quality children's clothes. Here you will find all the necessary clothes for your baby. See the catalog at the link.”
- On such a message usually sent the next answer: “Thank you! You have a wide choice! I would like to know more about the materials that are used in sewing clothes.”
- The machine, in this case, sent the following message: “If you are interested in any model, or you have any questions, write the word "specialist" for more information about it.”
- Then the customer wrote the word specialist, and at this point, the store Manager connected: “Good afternoon! My name is Jess and I’m ready to answer all your questions.”
- After that, the client formulated his questions and the dialogue continued.
Example #4: Eyewear Store.

The establishment of advertising and brand awareness occurred thanks to the advertising of products in the accounts of bloggers. To do this, messages to the all interested users about cooperation were created and sent using direct chat. The owner has found these followers using the searching line feature of direct chat.
“Good day! We are a famous brand of sunglasses! We would like to offer you cooperation. Please, write to us if you are ready to consider our offer.”
Attracting attention to the account was due to the cooperation with bloggers. But now, each user who clicks on the left link, has got a discount of 10%. To do this, they had to write the word marker, such as the name of the blogger, and then the Manager began to communicate with him online using direct chat.
To arouse interest in placing orders was used a unique offer, there were messages to each new follower:
“Good day! You are our 1000 customers this month! Therefore, we give you a discount of 5%. Hurry up to order the glasses of your dreams now.”
To evoke the desire to make an offer, the store has used mailouts for all followers with a unique offer:
“Only today, and only for you! Hurry up and make an offer with a 15% discount! This offer is time-limited! Remember about this! So, write the word “want15” and get your discount!”
As a call-to-action, sales scripts were used, which were developed by the prediction of possible responses of potential customers.
- Auto greeting: “Good afternoon! Our glasses are a real trend in the modern world! We have models suitable for absolutely everyone. Moreover, we work at the most affordable prices on the market. Visit our catalog and choose a pair of glasses.”
- An interested customer wrote back: “Hello! You have a chic selection of sunglasses. I would like to order for myself and my mother.”
- The machine, in this case, sent the following message: “We are always happy to help you with the choice and advise on any issue. For a consultation, write the word "specialist". Have a nice day!”
- The system has notified the Manager about the need for a consultation: “Hello! I'm a Store Manager! What can I do for you?"
- Communication continued based on the client's goals.
Example #5: Clothing Store.

Popular worldwide store sunglasses also could not do without a well-built sales funnel. To do this, they, like all previous examples, used the capabilities of direct messenger.
They established the ads using the possibility of target advertising. It helped to personalize the offers to the clients who were interested in them and to make the brand popular among the users. These users the owner looked for using direct chat search.
To attract attention, the brand used targeted advertising, which was set by the parameters of the target audience. In addition, messages were sent with offers of cooperation to all followers using direct chat. This audience was found thanks to the searching line feature of direct chat. The messages were as follows:
“Good day! You have a marvelous profile! Would you like to cooperate with us? if you are interested in the offer - please, write to us.”
For initial interest in the brand, the host used to send out greeting messages to each new follower, with a unique special offer for him:
“Hello! Thanks for following! We are glad that more and more people choose our brand. We hope we will not disappoint you. Place your first order and get a gift.”
For the emergence of the desire to purchase goods, the technique of psychological trigger - the time-limited offer was used. According to it, the person received a message about the time-limited offer, for example, a limited collection. And only the fastest ones could order it.
As a call-to-action, sales scripts were used, which have a great result in the process of communication with customers, because they were pre-compiled and thought out to the smallest detail. For example:
- Auto greeting: “Salut! The clothing store welcomes you! If you dream of cool and fashionable dresses, then you have come to the right place. Follow the link and get acquainted with the range of our products.”
- In response, an interested customer wrote: “Hello! I want to order a few things.”
- The answering machine, in this case, sent the following message: “If you need expert advice or consultation, write the word "specialist".”
- At this point, the Manager continued the dialog, which the system had notified before: “Hello! I’m ready to answer all your questions, as well as help with the choice.”
- As a rule, further, the client wrote the questions and desires which the Manager tried to satisfy by all available forces.
I’ve written about the possibilities of direct mailing in the article How to Boost Sales Using DM: The Simplest Way. If you want to make your business on Instagram, this article can advise you on how to do this.
Automate your work on Instagram using the latest technology! Don't stay away from profits! Increase sales and the number of satisfied customers! Use direct messenger and be on a roll!