When it comes to Valentine’s Day, all people fall into two groups. One celebrates love and romance, chases heart-shaped cards and chocolates, books tables in overpriced restaurants, and scatters rose petals on the floor, while the other makes profit on this 14th February-related euphoria. Regardless of which one you belong to, if you’re an Instagrammer, you undoubtedly need this thing — trending hashtags for Valentine’s Day.
Best Valentine’s Day Insta Hashtags in 2023
Just like any other holiday, this one is very much about present giving and receiving, the only difference being the obsession with the red color, cupids, and hearts.
When Valentine's Day is around the corner, Instagram business accounts get packed with all kinds of love-themed content. Jewelry, fragrances, lingerie, skincare products, makeup, gourmet confectionery, you name it — users’ feeds turn into a giant shop window. Brands heavily advertise everything that can be gifted to express love and devotion. For what it’s worth, building a successful campaign would be easier with Valentine’s Day hashtags for businesses.
Of course, the Valentine’s Day posting fever affects those who are happily in a relationship. Putting on display what one is about to gift or has just been presented with is absolutely natural in the era when people master smartphones sooner than they start walking and talking.
With this in mind, we’re hundred percent sure that if you’re reading this you badly need the top hashtags for Valentine’s Day. Well, here you are!
How to be Unique Using Hashtags for #lovemonth?
Due to a bit muddled history of Valentine’s Day, February is now generally considered a month of love. In the world ruled by social media everything can come with a tag, and the last month of winter is no exception. If you need good hashtags for February but don’t feel like crafting them on your own, try our AI-powered hashtag generator.
All tags selected by the smart tool come in three groups — frequent, average and rare. If you seek to create a one-of-a-kind Valentine’s Day post, you can use these month of love hashtags from the third group: #monthlove and #lovermonth.
If you want your post to appear before a larger audience, take more popular #lovemonth and #monthoflove from the average group, but remember that there’s a downside here — your post can dissolve in the ocean of similar content. The same can be said about #feb14, but we still like it for being so short, straightforward and appealing.
Care for more tips? Then go on reading.
Top Five Valentine’s Day Related Groups of Hashtags
Here are some ideas for you if you want to break the pattern and add hashtags that contain something other than Valentine or February and make your posts more engaging.
Hashtags for Love
The editor’s choice for this one includes #loveislove, #loveher, #lovehim, #loveeachother, and #lovemetender. As love is in the air, these will definitely prove popular hashtags for Valentine’s Day!
Hashtags for Hearts
Love and hearts are an inseparable duo, so some of the best hashtags for Valentine’s Day must be centered around ‘heart’ or ‘hearts’. For starters, try using these ones: #sweetheart, #heartshaped, #heartmelted, and #heartsonfire. Oh, and #candyhearts if you’re a pastry shop in need of some Valentine’s Day giveaway hashtags for Instagram.
Hashtags for Pink
Valentine’s Day is a perfect occasion to show off in a new pink dress, ladies! And, if you’re posting, highlight your pink mood with something from this list: #pink, #pinkflowers, #pinklady, #pinkdress, #pinklove, #pinkflower, #pinkmood, #pinkdiamond.
Hashtags for Party
What we really need when spring is still two weeks away is a good party. Thanks to St. Valentine, we can have one on the 14th of February. Before you hit the share button, don’t forget to attach some of the following to your party post: #partyideas, #partydecor, #partyinspiration, #partyparty, #partyoutfit, #partylook, or #partygifts.
Hashtags for Cupid
If the month of February was to have a mascot, it would be Cupid, of course. Make sure to include #cupid, #cupido, #cupidsarrow or #cupidlove in your caption.
Whether you’re enjoying a candlelit dinner for two, having a mind-blowing party with friends or munching out alone on self-gifted chocolates, Happy Valentine’s Day!
What is a Good Valentine’s Day Saying?
If you’re old enough to remember ‘Love is…’ series of romantic cartoons by New Zealand’s Kim Casali, you’d probably agree that hardly anything can be added to her sweet and witty captions.
Of course, you can google quotes about love, there are tons of them — short or long, simple or sophisticated, rhymed or not. Something like ‘I love you to the Moon and back’ or ‘I loved you yesterday, I love you still I always have, I always will’.
Speaking seriously, you can do it your way. Any sincere and warm words coming from the bottom of your heart would make a great Valentine’s Day greeting.
Take a moment, think of your significant other, your first date, sensations that you have when he or she is around and put it all into words.
A handwritten valentine could become a keepsake that both of you would be happy to find somewhere on a knickknack shelf twenty years from now.
Should I Post on Instagram for Valentine’s Day?
Spread the love! Think of your nearest and dearest, be it family members, friends, colleagues, or neighbors. Some even create valentines for their pets.
Your Valentine’s Day messages should be filled with love and truly heartfelt. Say how you value and appreciate those who make your life better. Be you in your posts!
What are the Examples of Romantic Instagram Captions?
- You are the best thing that ever happened to me
- May the spark of our love last forever
- Thank you for being with me
- I want to spend all my Valentine’s Days with you
- Every time I hear you open the door and say ‘I’m home’ I feel happy
- Thank God I agreed to go on that date with you
- No one can make me smile like you do
- Every time I look at you I thank my lucky star for bringing us together
- We’re such an awesome couple!
- Loving you is a blessing
Feel free to borrow these ideas from our romantic caption writers — yes, we take it seriously and have an entire unit for creating Valentine’s Day-related content (kidding). Remember, however, that the best romantic caption is one that you’ve tailor made for your SO.
How do I Find Unique Hashtags?
You can do it manually using Instagram’s search option. Just type in your keyword, get a long list of hashtags and go one by one checking the count. The least frequent tags can be considered as unique.
Alternatively, you can have this job done automatically. Open the Inflact hashtag generator page. As you can see, you can search hashtags not only by keyword, but also by photo or URL. The tags will come in three groups. The right column contains rarely used ones. Copy those that you like best, paste them into your post, share and see if they can bring you more followers.