Often feature account is very narrow. The very fact of a feature account on Instagram provides for the narrowness of the topic. This public profile should interest a certain audience, who are eager to a certain topic, and those who want to receive visuals on this specific concept on their own in their feed.
The sense and main idea of those feature accounts in public are that absolutely various visuals of various authorships are published in one place with a specially prepared aesthetic.
To get into the aesthetic precisely, master Instagram photography in this article.

Why feature accounts are so popular on Instagram
This is the key point of the beauty of such public pages. Here you can find a huge diverse selection of photos and videos on a specific topic but created by dozens of different authors
Of course, you can always subscribe to a profile of a certain author. For example, if you are interested in motorcycles, you can subscribe to the profile of any custom motorcycle studio and stay tuned for their updates.
Why it is cool to promote your goods and account through feature accounts?
Well, most likely these specific profiles that are essentially selling their services through these visuals will be pretty boring for you as a visual consumer. And will be far away from the goal of developing you as a person.
Therefore, subscribing to a public dedicated to the motorcycle topics will be much cooler because in a good feature account (with a qualified content curation) and you will receive hundreds of different visuals on a topic that interests you in one place and it will always be different authors, different views on this topic.

Looking at the public from the other side and from the point of view of the advertiser is a very productive and fruitful ground for promoting your own visuals.
You can find public pages that are close enough to your business topic or perhaps similar photos are published for your audience. Find a feature account with an audience that will be solvent and relevant for you for your business.
They will receive your visual information by subscribing to this profile not as a pure advertisement on the forehead, but as visual inspiration, and it can definitely push the buyer to be interested in your product. Plus your profile gets mentioned by a big and popular account which is a great advantage for your profile from the point of view of an Instagram algorithm.
Plus, with the help of the public, you can gain a huge audience that you have not captured before.
How to promote through feature accounts
First of all, you need to find a feature account that one way or another overlaps in the subject of your product. Think wider than you used to: if you sell cleaning for cars, take not only the public where various clean cars are published, - type in the search bar the public in which there may be an inspiration for other services which you do not provide, but you can stand in the same row with them. For example, if you sell dry cleaning for cars, be in the public and where are some Retro cars or where some basic car paints are Find the ideal public, subscribe to it, and see what does Instagram offers under the subscribe button to discover more similar accounts.

Most likely there will be several dozen more publics with similar topics, the audience is going to be suitable for you, explore these publics, choose among them those that suit you best and also look by clicking subscribe to them, see what Instagram will offer you similar to this public
Make a list of suitable feature accounts, also make your offer from the question of how much advertising will cost. Usually, it is better to contact directly with e-mail mentioned in the profile description
After you have studied the opportunity to contact that manager of this feature account, then send everyone the same messages clarifying the cost of advertising both in the post and in the Stories. Be sure to ask them to send you the latest statistics of views of the reach and conversion.
After all, you have in your hands all the price lists and statistics of these feature accounts. You can choose the most successful option for your business. Choose a type of posts to be promoted with - they usually offer feed posts, Stories. Plus they will most likely choose with you the content to publish in their profile - it should be strongly suitable.
Advertising through the feature accounts is a really effective way to grow sales or followers with your visuals.
Don’t forget to switch off all targeted advertising, and all other promotion channels, like bots and groups of activity in order to track exactly which of the feature accounts works best for your profile. And which of them will bring you the largest number of customers, orders and sales.