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Mon – Fri: 03:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Sat – Sun: Email Support (respond during business hours)
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How to start the promotion?
Registration Problems
Terms Of Payment
Profile Settings
Promo Module
Posting Module
Direct Module
Hashtag Generator
General Recommendations
How to start the promotion?

Okay, let’s get it started!

Sign Up

1. Enter your email address, think up a password and confirm it;
2. Read and agree with our Terms of use and Privacy Policy;
3. Sign up.

Add an account

1. Enter your Instagram Username;
2. Click Add Account.

You can add as many accounts as you want, but only after you confirm the membership and pay for the service. To add more than 10 accounts, contact the Support Team.

Confirm Membership

1. Choose the module, number of accounts you added and promotion duration;
2. Confirm membership by paying with your Credit Card or via PayPal.

  • You can choose up to 10 accounts to promote. If you want to add more, contact our Support Team;
  • The payments are automated. It means that the payments for the period (you pointed it out during the membership confirmation stage) will be debited automatically;
  • We guarantee 100% money refund in case the service doesn't work properly at least for 2 weeks.
Once you complete account confirmation, the promotion starts automatically in a couple of hours. For the sake of risk-free promotion, use this time to activate VPN (recommended.)

Activate VPN

For stable promotion, you need to activate a VPN before starting to use Instagram on your device. Instagram and Inflact accounts should have the same source data to log in.

1. In your Inflact account, go to the VPN section;
2. You will find the Configuration file and the Guide to activate VPN on your Profile page.
Use this guide to connect VPN depending on the OS of the device on which you use the Instagram app (iOS or Android).

If you use Instagram on PC, then you have to connect VPN there as well:

After completing all the steps from the Guide, the VPN button color will turn green. That means the VPN is active.

Confirm email

It's recommended to confirm your email to stay tuned with vital Inflact updates. Moreover, when you decide to cancel your subscription, you will get the confirmation on this email.

1. For that, click Resend Email at the top of your Dashboard;

2. You will receive an email from Inflact. Click the link you will find there to confirm your email.

Set up Targeting

Our service provides full automation of likes, follows/ unfollows on your behalf.

Inflact promotes your account with the help of hashtags, locations and usernames you set up as a targets. We recommend to use use all the promotion strategies and run 10-15 targets at each one.

Set up filters to target your audience by gender, language, etc.

You may also precisely target the audience you want the system make interaction with.

Go to Targeting -> Advanced -> Pro Filters

That's it! Now you can start enjoying the progress.

*From the moment of registration Inflact sets a number of popular hashtags for your account automatically by default in accordance with your previous posts. Smart promotion is one of the main privileges of our service. You can remain them or delete and add your own that you mostly prefer.

Why do I need to use VPN?

The latest Instagram updates affected all the automation tools on the market. VPN allows you to use Inflact tool along with Instagram app using the same IP address at the same time and not to be detected by Instagram that you use automation bot.

Please make sure VPN is active all the time on your device while you use Instagram app

How can I use VPN on my PC?

If you use Instagram on PC, then you have to connect VPN there: - Windows - Mac

Find the guide to connect VPN using configuration file on this page:

Registration Problems

I’ve changed a username/password in Instagram and now Inflact doesn’t work

If you change anything on Instagram, you have to re authorize in Inflact as well in order to allow promotion to be continued.

I can’t add an Instagram account to the system, it says “Username already exists”

This account is already added under another email in our system. You need to sign in there and remove that account from the profile already registered in order to use it with another email.

If you are not able to sign in there to remove it, please contact our support via online chat or by email

My account is getting paused

If you already changed Instagram password and re authorized via Edit button, but your account still getting paused while VPN is constantly active on your device, then we recommend to turn likes, follows and unfollows off on your dashboard and promote your account by "watch stories" only during a week.

In a week you can turn these features on back one by one. We will add extra days as a compensation of this period. Please don't forget to turn VPN on before you open Instagram app.

I can’t authorize my account in the dashboard

Go to Warning and click Authorize button

If you see the window that asks you to verify your account using a linked email or mobile phone, all you have to do is to enter a received code:

If you didn’t receive a code from the first time - click “Resend code” button.

If you have Two-Factor Authentication enabled in your Instagram account then while adding it to Inflact service you’ll be asked to Verify your account. The code will be sent to you automatically.

If you didn’t receive a code from the first time - click “Resend code” button.

If you still can’t authorize, we recommend you to stop all promo activity for 2 weeks and let your account have a rest from any auto actions performance. Please do not try to re authorize again, each next attempt can block your ability to login for longer. You will be able to do manual actions while this period with active VPN on your device, but please do not use other bots.

After two weeks, please contact us and we will make full days compensation. It will help your account to resume good efficiency.

How to delete my account from the system

  1. Open the Settings in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Choose the menu item Accounts
  3. Click on the trash can icon in front of the account you need to delete.

I just run the promotion but it still doesn’t work

Please wait, the system smoothly starts to speed up the bot's actions. It may take 2-3 days for normal speed performance due to the latest Instagram updates. You will see bot's actions in Live activity soon.

VPN doesn’t work

  1. Make sure it’s connected in your profile page
  2. Check if it’s connected on your device.
Go to OpenVPN app and check stats.

In other cases please contact our support via online chat or by email.

No actions performed

Make sure you have like / follow / unfollow enabled.

How can I get extra days compensation?

You will get days compensation automatically once your subscription will be updated to the next period. You may see how many days will be added in your profile page

In some other cases you should contact our support team via online chat or by email and we will add extra days manually analyzing the stats and calculating the days of bot inactivity.

Why my promotion has low efficiency?

The limit is affected by your current targeting and activity actions.

Delete unefficient hashtags, locations and usernames, add new popular and relevant.

Check if VPN connected on your device.

Make sure to restore Pro Filters to default.

How to add one more account

You can try Inflact with one account and add new accounts as needed. To add a new account, do as follows

Open Settings → Accounts→ Add Account

Provide credentials and verify your Instagram account. The account should comply with the minimum requirements for the Promo module.

How to re-authorize an account if you’ve changed your Instagram username or password

  1. Go to the Accounts section and choose the pencil icon.

  1. In a new window, you can enter your new username or password to update your account.

How to activate an account if it turned red and an exclamation mark appeared on it?

That can happen if your account is not working and you have to re-authorize it. Just click on the exclamation mark and you’ll see a new window that will ask you to enter your username and password in order to update the account.

How to re-authorize an account if you’ve changed your Instagram username or password?

Go to accounts section and press the edit button

In a new window you can enter your new username or password and update your account.

Terms Of Payment

I paid only for one month but you’ve taken money for the next month also, why?

During your first payment, you have been subscribed to auto rebilling on a monthly basis. In order to avoid it you have to cancel your subscription before your paid period will expire.

You can unsubscribe from auto renewals on the subscriptions page:

I’ve stopped promotion of my account but you’ve taken money

Stop status doesn’t mean you’ve cancelled a subscription. It means Inflact won’t do any actions with your account, but you still have your paid days running and it automatically continue the promotion for the period that had been paid.

How to make a payment

  • Go to Profile → My Subs → Choose the module you need to pay for.

  • You can choose a period of promotion time that mostly suits you: 1 month or 1 year. Please note that the wider period you choose, the bigger discount you get.
  • Click on Credit Card or PayPal.
  • You’ll be redirected to the fill-in information page, where you’ll have to enter your payment data.
  • After making the payment, you’ll be redirected to the Inflact page saying that your membership has been successfully confirmed and your module is active now.
  • You can check your payment history in the “Payments” section.
*By clicking the "Confirm Membership" button below, you agree that your membership will begin right away, and that you will not be able to withdraw from the contract and receive a refund.

We guarantee 100% money back if the solution doesn’t work for your account in 2 weeks.

How to cancel a subscription

  • Go to your Inflact dashboard.
  • Click on your nickname in the upper right corner of the screen.
  • Choose the menu item Profile.
  • Go to MY SUBS.

  • Click on the pencil.

  • Scroll down and click on Unsubscribe.

  • Confirm the cancellation.
You've canceled the subscription.

After canceling subscription, you will receive an email confirming that your subscription has been cancelled.

If you cancel your subscription, your days of use are not deleted. If you cancel your subscription, the automatic payment will also be canceled.

How can you check if your subscription is canceled?

The cancellation icon at the bottom of the subscription page disappears along with the subscription expiration date when you cancel the subscription.

How to change the Module

If you want to choose another Module you can either unsubscribe from the existing one and choose the one you want or just update your subscription. Your existing paid days will remain on your account, but they will be recalculated in accordance with a new Module.

You’ll see the active module and the number of active accounts. You can make payments from this page and set the number of accounts that could be in active promotion at same time.

Profile Settings

What can you change in settings?

In the Profile section you can edit your personal data, email preferences, time zone settings, and payment credentials, as well as manage your subscriptions.

How to verify email

Right after the registration in Inflact you will receive a confirmation email. In order to verify it you have to follow the link we’ve sent to you.

If you didn’t receive a confirmation email automatically you can press “Resend email” button at the top of your dashboard.

How to change password or email

Open Settings→ Profile. You can change your password or email in the Personal Data menu item.

Just enter the new email or password and click on the “Save Data” button. Note that you have to enter the old password in order to save the changes.

How to unsubscribe from email notifications

Go to your Profile page. In the lower right corner you can find “Notifications.” Choose what kind of notifications you want to receive by mail or just disable all of them.

Also, on this page, you can choose your time zone and set the account currency.
Promo Module

Unfollow doesn’t work

Check if you turned on Unfollow on your Accounts page.

Inflact is able to automatically unfollow:

  • New Inflact follows
  • New not mutual Inflact follows
  • All accounts
  • All not mutual accounts

Note that once you enable Unfollow, it starts to unfollow only those accounts that system were following 3 days before and more. On the fourth day it unfollows those who it followed the first day, on the fifth those who followed the second day, etc.

You can choose which accounts you want to unfollow in your settings.. If you want to know more about Unfollow feature go to Targeting section -> Advanced Settings.

Make sure you set up it correctly and Inflact has the accounts to unfollow

My account is paused

We are sorry for the inconvenience. Instagram has new updates and we are trying to prevent this issue. Don’t worry, we will compensate the period it was paused.

First of all make sure you have VPN connected on your device.

Then please do the following:
1. Change Instagram password
2. Re authorize in Inflact system (via "Edit" in Accounts section)

3. Go to this page and follow the steps shown up on the screenshot below


How does Promo Module work?

Promo or Basic Module allows you to promote your account with auto liking, following and unfollowing.

Promo Settings

On your Promo tab in Targeting window, you can select the type of promotion.

You can promote your account by hashtags, location and usernames.

  1. Hashtag promotion is a smart algorithm production of the most popular and effective hashtags for your Instagram account. From the moment of registration, Inflact sets a number of popular hashtags for your account automatically. You can leave them or delete and add your own that you prefer.
  2. Promotion via Location assumes interacting with other users, who make publications in a definite place. You can add it by simply typing and choosing from the list exported directly from Instagram. We recommend experimenting with different locations and choosing the most convertible locations (check Promo Module -> Statistics in our FAQ).
  3. If you analyze your business competitors, you might find a great number of useful and available followers. With the help of Username promotion, we can easily interact with this audience. If you add usernames of the chosen accounts, the smart Inflact algorithm will interact with your possible target audience.

Advanced Settings

  • Our AI can recognize the gender and language of accounts you interact with, so you can choose those you’re interested in.
  • You can choose if you want to watch stories automatically during the promotion
    • watch stories of people I follow (watch stories from your feed)
    • watch stories of the people I promote among (watch stories of the people you liked or followed, if they have any)
  • Add hashtags, usernames and locations to the Blacklist if you don’t want to interact with them during the promotion
  • If you want to show your activity to the new followers, you can
    • auto like account feed (like posts from your feed)
    • auto like comments (like from 1 to 3 comments of users that were liked by Inflact)
  • Choose whom of your following should we unfollow
  • Choose your timezone
  • Set the amount of likes you want to put on each profile

Pro Filters

In Advanced Settings, you can also find Pro Filters to set the limits of profile rates that we are going to work with

Here you can set the number of followers, followings, posts and last update time

Also, you can choose if you want to interact only with profiles that have avatars.

If you choose “Unique profiles”, the system will filter accounts only one time according to your settings. If the system meets this account again, it won't spend time checking it.

Changing Pro Filters may seriously affect the performance of promotion. Use them carefully. In case the performance goes down too much - restore the filters to defaults, because Inflact might skip too many accounts that don’t suit these settings with no interaction.


On the Promo tab, you can also check your Statistics of promotion.

There are common numbers for likes, followers, follows and unfollows made and a schedule of all actions.

You can see one exact day and choose the period of time for which you want to see the statistics. At the very beginning, our system is gaining promotion speed gradually. If you mention that activity slows down after a few days of promotion, please contact our support. And don’t worry, it can happen with a newly added accounts, it will run a full strength in a week.

On your Dashboard, you can find an Average per day statistics which shows total actions from the limit. The fewer filters you set, the more actions will be done.

The best thing is that you can check the promotion results for each hashtag, location and username in order to analyze them and choose the best ones.

Efficiency is the ratio of new followers to the actions that were done. For example, we’ve made 100 likes of a certain hashtag and got 2 new followers - the hashtag efficiency will be 2%.

If your efficiency is 2% and higher - it’s a good indicator, but if it’s lower than 2% - then it’s better to replace it with something else that suits your account more.

All of them are divided into Efficiency, New followers, Likes, Comments, Follows and Stories watched.

Best performance results

Unlike competitors, Inflact is a product of constant development. An average Instagram Bot performs about 1000 actions per day, according your setup settings.

What are the requirements for an Instagram account to switch to Inflact?

Your account needs to meet the minimum requirements to start the Promo mode. Make sure that:

  • The oldest post was made more than 14 days ago.
  • Your account is public.
  • You have 12 publications.

Before promoting your account for a target audience with an automation tool, you should have engaging content so people have reasons to start following you.

How many accounts can I integrate with Inflact?

You can promote up to 10 accounts that will be managed from one dashboard. If you want to switch more than 10 accounts, contact our customer support at We will switch the needed number of accounts.

How can Inflact help me win clients?

Inflact offers a set of tools that help you research the market and drive the target audience to your page. Our smart AI system will engage with selected accounts that are likely to become your loyal clientele. Also, you can measure your growth with the statistics on your dashboard.

At the same time, we can't guarantee the specific amount of followers: your success depends on how engaging your content is. You can learn how to make your posts appealing in our blog and lab.

Related article: How to sell on Instagram in 2021 (a practical method without ads or being online 24/7)

How soon will I see the results?

We do not guarantee any results on the next day; promotion takes time and the result depends on the attractiveness of your posts. According to our tests, it’s possible to get 250 new relevant followers in the first month. But your result might be better.

Promotion will get faster after the Safe start, which is designed to ensure the safety of your account.

Related articles:

How many followers do you get in a month with the Inflact promotion tool? (Spoiler: 200 relevant followers on Instagram with 5 minute set-up)

Get Instagram followers fast with a bot - is it real in 2020?

I’m new to Instagram marketing. What should I begin with?

If you’ve launched a business or want to become an influencer, begin with the research of competitors in your niche with the User Search tool. You will immediately find content ideas that will work for your audience. Also, click on Analyze and see what hashtags they use and what time they publish content.

When you know the nicknames of your rivals, their hashtags, and their locations, then you are ready to set up your target growth via the Promo module.

Read more in our articles:

How to sell on Instagram in 2021 (a practical method without ads or being online 24/7)

How to use Instagram user search for influencer marketing, market analysis and talent research

Beginner's manual to launching the Promo Module

How to enable the target growth

  • Subscribe to the Promo mode
  • Authorize your Instagram account. Make sure you have 12 posts older than 14 days.
  • Adjust targeting. Paste usernames, hashtags, locations popular in your niche.

  • Adjust Advanced settings.

Note: We recommend you purchase the VPN service if you need better promotion results.

Related articles: How to grow Instagram followers securely and faster (the role of a VPN for promotion explained)

What is the Safe start?

We invented the Safe start for all accounts starting the Promo mode to ensure extra safety. Thanks to the Safe start, our tool will just visit profiles you listed as a target and watch their stories – it will not perform many actions for 48 hours. During the next 7 days, our tool will increase the number of actions from your account gradually.

Thanks to the Safe start, the activity of your profile looks human-like.

Why do I need a VPN for promotion?

When you use the VPN by Inflact, you log in to your Instagram account with the same IP. This means that IG recognizes actions made by the software are performed by you.

The VPN will help you bypass switching to the Safe mode, so that you grow your audience more effectively.

Related article:

How to grow Instagram followers securely and faster (the role of a VPN for promotion explained)

What is the difference between your VPN and any other service?

We recommend that you use the Inflact VPN. In this case, the address when the software logs in and when you log in will be identical.

If you use a third-party VPN, we can’t guarantee it will work optimally for safe promotion.

How to add a new account

#1 – From the Promo dashboard:

  • Go to the IG dashboard.
  • Click "Edit accounts"

#2 – From your Inflact profile:

  • Click on the arrow next to your name on the right corner of the screen.

  • Choose the menu item Profile.
  • View all the module subscriptions. Select Promo.

  • Click on the “+” icon

  • Enter the login data for an IG account.

What are the best tools for finding clients on Instagram?

Inflact offers several tools you need to use to expand your customer database.

  • Apply User Search to research potential clients for your business. You can filter categories, age, and gender, and specify a city in the search field.
  • Apply Promo mode to attract converting clients. Use the usernames you’ve found for the Promo targeting. Also, you will need to use proper hashtags.
  • Apply Hashtag Generator. Simply enter hashtags of your competitors to find, copy and paste thousands of new hashtag ideas. Use them in your posts and for the Promo mode setup.
Related articles: Full simple guide from the first shopping tag to millions $

All top Instagram influencers do it (an effective set of tools for monetization and following growth on Instagram)

What tools can I use for managing a business on IG?

If you handle orders, solve customers issues, and sell on Instagram, you might need the following tools:

  • Direct module with CMS features. It will help you set up welcome messages and custom auto-replies, and practice bulk private messaging to your customers.
  • Posting. This post planner will assist you in publishing content on schedule and consistently.
  • Hashtag Generator. It will help you optimize your IG account for search inquiries by interested users.
Related articles: How to sell on Instagram with DM for brands and influencers (strategies for 6-figure sales and 300% engagement growth)

What tools can I try for Instagram analysis?

On our website you’ll find several Instagram analytics tools:

  • User Search. Begin with researching the database of IG accounts in all niches. Top businesses, local companies, and influencers are listed there. Also, you can copy their contacts and save the data as a file.
  • Profile Analyzer. This service is free and will help you know more details about any public IG account. Namely, you can monitor the most engaging posts and times, along with top hashtags that will help you to fine-tune your strategy.
  • Promo statistics. You can monitor the success of your Instagram growth on the Promo dashboard. View how many new followers you get, and what usernames and hashtags are more lucrative for building your audience.
Related articles:

How to find and monitor top competitor accounts to get inspired (a 30-minute must-have checklist)

What tools can uplift influencer marketing?

Inflact services can improve your influencer marketing:

  • User Search. Find top bloggers and micro and macro-influencers in any industry.
  • Direct module. Outreach to influencers, group them under labels, and set up auto-replies to find the best team for your promotion.
  • Downloaders. Use the Inflact downloaders for all content to collect the media that influencers post about your business.
Related articles: How to use Instagram user search for influencer marketing, market analysis and talent research

How many followers can I get and how soon?

We don’t promise your Instagram will explode with followers within hours. Inflact attracts target and real followers securely, so the results are not instant but long-lasting.

According to our latest trials, it’s possible to get 200 real followers in the first month even for new accounts.

Related article: How many followers do you get in a month with the Inflact promotion tool? (Spoiler: 200 relevant followers on Instagram with 5 minute set-up)

Posting Module

How does Posting Module work?

Our Posting Module is used to schedule posting to make auto posts and stories at any needed time. It is especially useful for those who do many posts each day as it saves time. Download all the needed photos or videos and Inflact will post it for you!

How it works

All you have to do is to push “Add content” button, choose Post or Stories, download the photo or video, enter description, location, date and time of posting.

You can publish the post, or stories now, schedule it or save it as a draft.

You can choose your time zone and the photos will be published automatically as you’ve set.

You can edit the scheduled photo before posting, publish it now or delete it.

All published photos will be saved on the page with a white tick on them.

Direct Module

How does Direct Module work?

If you experience troubles with sales, try auto direct messages and reach out to your followers in the more personalized way.

Our Direct service includes Bulk messaging and Auto-replies.

How it works

With the Bulk messaging you can send direct messages automatically to:
- your existing followers.
- all the accounts that you had a chat previously.
All you need is to click “New Message” button.

Try to randomize your texts using several options like {Hi | Hello | Hey!}. Also, contact the user directly, using @username. Maximum number of symbols is 500.

You can also upload an image and add it to your message.

Check out the Custom filter which is situated below the message text. You can ignore it or turn it on and set the filters you need.

You can choose the languages of accounts, its gender, number of followers, following, posts and last update date.

Once you’ve entered all the needed information press “Activate now” button and auto DM will start sending messages.

Inflact is able to send 100 auto messages per day. It’s up to 12-14 messages per hour.

We have 3 options for auto-replies:
- welcome message (Each new follower will receive the message you specified immediately after following you.)
- reply to the first message (An auto-reply will be sent to any first message received from your interlocutor.)
- reply to a keyword (We will send an auto-reply if the user's DM contains the "keyword" you specified.)

Hashtag Generator

How does Hashtag Generator work?

Embrace the power of our new AI algorithm — generate hashtags for social media automatically. Inflact Hashtag Generator provides you with relevant hashtags through analyzing your photo, keywords, or link

How it works

Just enter a keyword or link or upload your photo and Inflact will generate the relevant hashtags for it.

Now you can choose the best hashtags from the Frequent, Average, and Rare columns by clicking them and copying all the selected ones to add them to your photos.

Scroll down to see the related organic hashtags – these semantically close hashtags are suggested by Instagram based on their usage together with your inquiry.
General Recommendations

Safety tips (to avoid Instagram blocking)

  1. Don’t run several promotion bots simultaneously.
  2. In your Instagram account settings, add and verify your current email and phone number.
  3. We recommend that your account is over 14 days old.
  4. We recommend using our VPN along with your Instagram account.

How to choose Targets for Promotion?

  1. If you have a certain niche
    Let’s imagine that you promote make up in your account. Then the best target accounts will be make up stores and other beauty bloggers. You will interact with their followers automatically and they will follow you back if interested. Try to choose those who have about 10k followers and more in order to make your promotion more resultative.

    What concerns hashtags - you can use our hashtag generator and find the best ones that will suit you. For example:
    #beauty #lipstick #eyeshadow #makeup #makeupideas #makeupaddict #makeuplover

    In location section you can mention popular make up stores and your country/city if you plan to sell the items.

    Moreover as women are more interested in make up you can choose a gender filter in order to interact only with female accounts.
  2. If you don’t have a certain niche

    If you plan to promote a personal account that don’t sell anything and is not related to any niche you can try to promote with accounts of celebrities you like.

    If you travel a lot or have pets, photos of which you post quite often, or you’re addicted to sport - use our hashtag generator in order to find best hashtags for you and interact with users with same interests.

As for the location you can choose the places you like most, your country/city or country/city you plan to visit or already have been to.

For both of cases don’t forget to check the statistics and change your targets in accordance with its efficiency. You can find more info about it in Promo Module -> Statistics.

Examples of Promotion Campaigns

Let’s imagine that you live in New York and your account is related to sport equipment niche. The first place where you can start looking for competitors is Google.

Go to the website and find their Instagram account

Copy its username and add it to your usernames in Inflact. You can find about 5 big competitors like this.

The second way is to look for competitors in Instagram. Just enter “sport equipment” in search and choose the accounts with big number of followers, then add their usernames to your usernames in Inflact. For better conversion you can choose those from your region.

The third way is to use related hashtags. Open our hashtag generator and enter “sport equipment” there

Choose the ones you like most or those that have more mentions in Instagram.

Don’t forget to check the statistics and change your targets in accordance with its efficiency. You can find more info about it in Promo Module -> Statistics.

Significant benefits

Inflact will automate liking, following and unfollowing just like a human being would. We offer this at a price where people would consider it as almost free.
Time is precious and we know that. Inflact is the most efficient Instagram automation available.
Don't bother with dozens of complicated settings, let us do the hard work. Starting a campaign takes only a couple of clicks.
We care about our customers and are not going to share any of your personal data with third parties.
We are already trusted by more than 15 000 clients. Check our social networks to see the feedback from them!